Mexican billionaire says he’s ‘all in’ on Bitcoin with 70% exposure


Mexican entrepreneur Ricardo Salinas, who first bought Bitcoin at $200 around 12 years ago, has increased his Bitcoin exposure from 10% to 70% over the past four and a half years.

Ricardo Salinas, founder and chairman of Mexican conglomerate Grupo Salinas, said 70% of his investment portfolio is now allocated to Bitcoin-related assets — up from 10% in 2020.

Speaking with Bloomberg on March 4, Salinas said he’s “pretty much all in” on Bitcoin (BTC), while the remaining 30% of his investments are in gold and gold miners.

The 70% Bitcoin allocation presumably excludes shares that he holds in his company’s stock, Grupo Elektra SAB de CV, which boasts a 75.15 billion Mexican peso ($3.64 billion) market cap, Google Finance data shows.

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