IPMB report: The first vertically integrated gold tokenization project


Learn how IPMB controls its gold supply chain and offers a novel approach to tokenized gold investments.


As the global demand for gold remains strong and the asset’s price has reached all-time highs, investors face a difficult choice between various gold investment vehicles. Traditional methods for investing in gold come with a number of drawbacks. Physical gold incurs substantial buy and sell fees, gold futures require advanced financial literacy, while gold-backed cryptocurrencies often lack reliable reserve audits, or their sources of gold are opaque.

The International Precious Metals Bullion Group (IPMB) combines vast experience in the gold industry with opportunities provided by blockchain technology to offer a novel approach to gold investing that is reliable and cost-efficient. By controlling the crucial steps of the supply chain, IPMB offers favorable pricing and transparency for investors in its gold-backed GoldPro Token (GPRO) and GEM NFTs. 

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