Ethereum researcher pitches solution to fix centralization woes, eliminate MEV


Ethereum researcher “Malik672” has proposed a solution to democratize Ethereum’s block proposer process which they claim would also eliminate MEV at the block level.

An Ethereum researcher has pitched a new block proposal solution that aims to democratize Ethereum’s currently centralized block building process by implementing a “shared random algorithm.”

The “Decentralized Random Block Proposal” would leverage Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) to eliminate Maximal Extractable Value at the block level, fully democratize block proposing and possibly accelerate propagation — the process by which transactions are broadcast to network validators — pseudonymous researcher Malik672 said in a March 1 post.

Malik672 said while Ethereum’s proof-of-stake model and the proposer-builder separation feature has migrated Maximal Extractable Value concentration to some extent, it has resulted in builders and relays becoming more centralized.

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