ETH whale’s wild $6.8M ‘mind control’ claims, Bitcoin power thefts: Asia Express


ETH whale’s $6.8M warning of Chinese military mind control conspiracy, Malaysian landlords get massive BTC mining power bills. Asia Express.

Landlords across Malaysia are facing massive financial losses after their tenants illegally mined cryptocurrency to rack up electricity bills before leaving property owners to bear the cost.

In one case, a landlord identified as Jason was reportedly handed a 1.7 million Malaysian ringgit (about $382,000) penalty by electricity provider Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) after a tenant stole electricity to power their secret crypto mining operations. After four years of legal battles, the fine was reduced to 825,000 ringgit ($185,722).

His ordeal began in July 2020 when he rented out his property to a tenant who claimed to work with computers. Three months later, the entire building suffered power outages due to illegally installed power cables used for crypto mining. When authorities discovered the theft, Jason was held liable, while the tenant had vanished.

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