Crypto super PAC network to back GOP House candidates in Florida


The two Republican candidates, Randy Fine and Jimmy Patronis have been outspoken supporters of crypto innovation.

A Super PAC network funded by the crypto industry is poised to back two Republican candidates for the United States House of Representatives in Florida’s April 1 special elections, according to a March 21 report by Politico. The network includes Fairshake, Defend American Jobs and Protect Progress.

Defend American Jobs will start the spending by airing a $1.2 million ad for Florida State Senator Randy Fine, who aims to replace former representative Michael Waltz, who resigned his House seat to become US President Donald Trump’s national security adviser. “Floridians want crypto innovation!” Fine posted on X on Jan. 14, while also highlighting the need for “clear rules of the road.”

Defend American Jobs is also spending $345,000 to support Florida Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis in his quest to replace former representative Matt Gaetz. Gaetz resigned his House seat after Trump nominated him to become US attorney general, for which he later withdrew his name from consideration.

As Florida’s chief financial officer, Patronis wrote a letter to the State Board of Administration requesting a report on the feasibility of devoting part of the state’s retirement monies to investing in digital assets.

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