Crypto influencer Ben ‘Bitboy’ Armstrong arrested in Florida

Crypto influencer Ben Armstrong, also known as “BitBoy,” has been arrested in Florida after disclosing on social media just days ago that a warrant was out for his arrest.

Florida’s Volusia County Division of Corrections listed Armstrong as a fugitive from justice who was taken in custody on March 25 at 7:18 pm local time.

Police, United States, Court, Social Media

A screenshot of the Volusia Country Corrections website showing details of Ben Armstrong’s arrest. Source: Volusia County Division of Corrections

Days prior, Armstrong said in a March 21 X post that he could “confirm that the warrants for my arrest” were due to sending emails to Cobb County, Georgia Superior Court Judge Kimberly Childs while acting as his own attorney.

He also claimed that Judge Childs had deleted her social media accounts due to the emails.

Crypto influencer Ben ‘Bitboy’ Armstrong arrested in Florida

Source: Ben Armstrong

Armstrong was previously arrested in September 2023 while livestreaming outside the house of a former business associate whom he alleged had possession of his Lamborghini.

Information on Armstrong’s lawyers was not immediately available. Armstrong could not immediately be contacted for comment.

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