Crypto fans are obsessed with longevity and biohacking: Here’s why


From Vitalik Buterin to Brian Armstrong, many crypto proponents are obsessed with discovering the secret to immortality. We found out why.

From Vitalik Buterin to Balaji Srinivasan, Brian Armstrong and Roger Ver, it seems that no sooner have you become a crypto billionaire than youre off trying to discover the secret to immortality.

In early 2020, when the pandemic made everyone obsessed with mortality, Buterin wrote: Can I suggest anti-aging research? Aging is a humanitarian disaster that kills as many people as WW2 every two years Lets end it.

He put his money where his mouth is. Buterin donated 46 trillion SHIB the following year to the Future of Life Institute worth $665.8 million and has also donated many millions more to SENS Research Foundation and the Methuselah Foundation.

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