Beware of ‘cracked’ TradingView — it’s a crypto-stealing trojan


Scammers are posting links to malware-ridden software disguised as a free version of TradingView Premium on Reddit.

Cybersecurity firm Malwarebytes has warned of a new form of crypto-stealing malware hidden inside a “cracked” version of TradingView Premium, software that provides charting tools for financial markets. 

The scammers are lurking on crypto subreddits, posting links to Windows and Mac installers for “TradingView Premium Cracked,” which is laced with malware aimed at stealing personal data and draining crypto wallets, Jerome Segura, a senior security researcher at Malwarebytes, said in a March 18 blog post.

“We have heard of victims whose crypto wallets had been emptied and were subsequently impersonated by the criminals who sent phishing links to their contacts,” he added.

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